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Bulk User
  • ManageEngine User Academy

AD bulk user creation via ADManager Plus

ADManager Plus is a proven tool for AD bulk users creation. Using this tool, you can create multiple users in AD, Exchange, Google Workspace, Office 365, and Skype for Business without using PowerShell scripts simultaneously. With ADManager Plus, you can:

  • Create users with all the attributes, including Exchange Server (2003/2007/2010/2013/2016) attributes and Exchange policies, Terminal Services, Office 365, Google Workspace, and Skype for Business attributes, at once.
  • Import user properties from a CSV file with the only mandatory property being the user's name.
  • Use rule-based user provisioning templates with pre-filled attribute values based on the department or role, for user creation.
  • Integrate with popular HR tools like UKG Pro, Zoho People, Workday, BambooHR or any HCM/HRMS solution with API support to automate user creation.

Bulk User Creation Flow

AD Bulk User Creation

Create bulk users in Active Directory without PowerShell scripting

Using PowerShell scripts to create users in bulk via a CSV file saves a lot of time compared to manually. Here is a sample PowerShell script for accomplishing this with a CSV import:

Import-CSV test.csv | foreach {New-ADUser -SamAccountName $_.SamAccountName -Name $_.Name -Surname $_.Surname -GivenName $_.GivenName -Path "OU=Finance,OU=UserAccounts,DC=SOUTHWING,DC=COM" -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $_.password -Force) -Enabled $true

However, real-life use cases are often more complex, and tweaking these scripts to suit more complex scenarios requires in-depth expertise in PowerShell scripting, and Active Directory (AD) in general. Even if IT administrators have the required technical expertise, performing this task day in and day out often consumes a substantial amount of time, which can otherwise be utilized for other important activities.

Active Directory bulk user creation via ADManager Plus

ManageEngine's ADManager Plus is a proven tool for AD bulk users creation. Using this tool, you can create multiple users in AD, Exchange, Google Workspace, Office 365, and Skype for Business without using PowerShell scripts simultaneously. With ADManager Plus, you can:

AD Bulk User Creation
  • Create users with all the attributes, including Exchange Server (2003/2007/2010/2013/2016) attributes and Exchange policies, Terminal Services, Office 365, Google Workspace, and Skype for Business attributes, at once.
  • Import user properties from a CSV file with the only mandatory property being the user's name.
  • Use rule-based user provisioning templates with pre-filled attribute values based on the department or role, for user creation.

ADManager Plus also allows you to create users by copying the properties of another user. Additionally, you can add users to an existing container, or you can create a new OU to add users to during the user provisioning itself.

How to create users in bulk in Active Directory using ADManager Plus

Follow these steps to bulk create users in Active Directory without any PowerShell scripts via ADManager Plus.

  1. Launch your ADManager Plus application and navigate to Management → Create Bulk Users.
  2. Select the desired domain from the drop-down menu in which you want to create new users.
  3. ADManager Plus allows you to bulk create users in three different ways, based on your convenience:
    Create user accounts manually one after the other via templates

    a. Create user accounts manually one after the other via templates.

    You can use this method when you have to create only a few user accounts. Click Add Users, enter the respective details of the new user account, and then click OK. You can add the details of multiple users, one after the other, by simply clicking the Add Users button each time and create them successively.

    Import a CSV file and auto-populate the respective attributes

    b. Import a CSV file and auto-populate the respective attributes.

    This method comes in handy when you have to create multiple new user accounts. All you have to do is click Import, select the CSV file, and then click OK.

    Creating a CSV file is a fairly simple and straightforward process. The first row in the file should mention the LDAP names of the Active Directory attributes, and every row that follows should mention the LDAP attributes of that specific user account. Click here to view a sample CSV file.

    c. Use a customized template in which values for all necessary and common attributes are already configured. You just have to enter the user names to create user accounts with all the necessary settings. This method is especially useful when you have to create user accounts which have common values for specific settings. For example, creating ten new user accounts for the Sales department. Using ADManager Plus' templates, administrators can easily standardize and fill in a few attributes by default, and leave out some specific attributes to be filled later when the accounts are actually created. This approach saves a lot of time, as creating templates is a one-time process that eliminates the need to input the same values repeatedly each time a new user is created.

  4. Once the users are added by any of these methods, click Next to select an existing container in which you wish to create those users. You also have the option to create a new container when you create the accounts. This can be done by selecting the Create New OU option.
  5. Click Create Users to complete the bulk user creation operation.

Watch a video demonstration of 'Bulk user creation'


ADManager Plus is compatible with Microsoft Windows Active Directory 2000, 2003, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012 R2, 2016, 2019; Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016; Office 365; Google Workspace; and Skype for Business. To explore all the features in ADManager Plus, download the free 30-day trial.

Create Active Directory users instantly!

  • Eliminate the need for PowerShell scripting
  • Create users in bulk from a single console
  • Use templates to standardize the common values
  • -Select-
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Featured links

Other features
  • Active Directory Management

    Manage AD, Office 365, Exchange, Skype for Business, and Google Workspace accounts of users, single or bulk, using CSV files or smart templates.

  • 180+ Active Directory Reports

    Built-in report library with over 180+ reports on AD, Exchange, Office 365 users. Export them as CSV, PDF, and XLSX files.

  • Active Directory Bulk User Modification

    Modify users in bulk using templates or CSV files. Move users, unlock users, modify their group memberships and, more.

  • Active Directory Password Reset

    No more password-related woes. Reset passwords of user accounts whose passwords are about to expire, single or bulk.

  • Active Directory Cleanup

    Cleanup stale user accounts, empty groups and OUs, mailboxes of disabled accounts in bulk without using scripts.

  • Office 365 User Management

    Create Office 365 accounts, assign, revoke or remove their licenses, reset the password of accounts, and more.

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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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